● Hypercholesterolemia: Prescribed for lowering high levels of cholesterol.
● Pruritus: Helpful in alleviating itching due to liver disease where bile acids are not properly processed.
Administration Guidelines
● Follow the dosage and treatment duration as prescribed by a healthcare provider.
● Mix the powder in a glass of water or other non-carbonated beverage as directed before ingestion.
● Ensure to ingest the mixture promptly after stirring and not let it stand to settle.
Administration Details
Dosage Forms:
● Olestyr Powder is available as a powder to be dissolved in a liquid before administration.
● The standard adult dosage can vary widely but typically starts at one packet or one scoop once or twice daily, with adjustments made based on efficacy and tolerance.
Safety Precautions
● Pregnancy and Lactation: Consult with a healthcare provider before use during pregnancy or lactation.
Drug Interactions:
● Olestyr can interact with other drugs by binding to them and reducing their absorption or efficacy. It's crucial to inform healthcare providers of all medications taken, including over-the-counter medicines and supplements.
Pediatric Use:
● A healthcare provider must closely monitor the use of this drug in children, making dosage adjustments based on age and response to therapy.
Drug Interactions
● Due to its mechanism of binding bile acids, Olestyr Powder can also bind other drugs, potentially reducing the absorption and effectiveness of drugs like tetracycline, thyroid hormones, and certain heart medications.