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Buy Edarbyclor Tablets from Canada

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $52.21.

Edarbyclor comprises a combination of two medications, azilsartan medoxomil, and chlorthalidone, which collaboratively address hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.

Hypertension, a chronic condition, results from elevated pressure within the blood vessels. While individuals with hypertension typically do not experience noticeable symptoms, the condition can lead to enduring harm. Over time, increased pressure can cause tears in the blood vessels that, upon healing, may give rise to obstructions and blood clots.



Edarbyclor comprises a combination of two medications, azilsartan medoxomil, and chlorthalidone, which collaboratively address hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.

Hypertension, a chronic condition, results from elevated pressure within the blood vessels. While individuals with hypertension typically do not experience noticeable symptoms, the condition can lead to enduring harm. Over time, increased pressure can cause tears in the blood vessels that, upon healing, may give rise to obstructions and blood clots.

Azilsartan operates by inhibiting Angiotensin II, a protein, thus inducing relaxation of the smooth muscle in blood vessels.

Chlorthalidone serves as a diuretic, lowering fluid pressure within the blood vessels.

Additional information


Edarbyclor is accessible in the following variations:
1. Azilsartan/Chlorthalidone 40/12.5 mg
2. Azilsartan/Chlorthalidone 40/25 mg
Typically, your doctor will initiate treatment with a daily dose of 40/12.5 mg.
After a span of two to four weeks, the dosage can be raised to a maximum of 40/25 mg.
You have the flexibility to take Edarbyclor with or without food.

Side Effects

Side Effects
Dizziness is a prevalent side effect of Edarbyclor, typically diminishing within a few weeks of commencing treatment.
Additional common side effects may encompass:
1. Fatigue
2. Hypotension (low blood pressure)
3. Elevated serum creatinine levels
4. Itching
5. Nausea
6. Swelling
7. Syncope (fainting)


To shield it from moisture and light, preserve it within the original vial and steer clear of spaces with elevated humidity, such as bathrooms or kitchens.
Keep it in its original container and store it at room temperature, ideally at 25°C (77°F), and within the range of 15°-30°C (59°-86°F).


Edarbyclor should not be used by individuals with anuria (kidney failure).
Additionally, Edarbyclor is contraindicated for individuals with diabetes who are concurrently taking Aliskiren (Tekturna).
Before initiating Edarbyclor treatment, your doctor should conduct a thorough assessment of your fluid and electrolyte levels, and this monitoring should persist during treatment.
It's important to inform your doctor if you have a prior history of kidney issues.
Furthermore, share with your doctor if you have a history of gout.


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