Buy Invokana from Canada


Invokana (Canagliflozin) is a prescription medication employed in the management of type 2 diabetes. This medication is marketed under the brand name Invokana and contains the generic drug Canagliflozin. It is available in oral form and is typically prescribed by healthcare professionals in conjunction with dietary and exercise measures to regulate blood sugar levels effectively.

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Invokana (Canagliflozin) is a prescription medication employed in the management of type 2 diabetes. This medication is marketed under the brand name Invokana and contains the generic drug Canagliflozin. It is available in oral form and is typically prescribed by healthcare professionals in conjunction with dietary and exercise measures to regulate blood sugar levels effectively.

Additional information


This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as sodium-glucose transport protein 2 (SGLT 2) inhibitors. In the kidneys, glucose is filtered out of the blood, but SGLT 2 proteins typically reabsorb this glucose back into the bloodstream. SGLT 2 inhibitors work by preventing the reabsorption of glucose, allowing it to be eliminated from the body through urine. This not only helps regulate blood sugar levels but also contributes to weight loss, as calories are expelled from the body along with the excess glucose. In this way, Invokana aids in reducing excess sugar in the bloodstream and maintaining blood sugar levels.
How to Administer This Medication:
1. Take this medication precisely as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
2. Thoroughly review the provided instructions.
3. Administer it once daily before having breakfast.
4. If you happen to miss a dose, do not double the next dose to compensate.
5. In case of an overdose, promptly contact your doctor.
6. Complement this medication with a balanced diet and regular exercise regimen, prioritizing both.

Side Effects

Serious Side Effects:
1. Lower Limb Amputation
2. Allergic Reactions
3. Genital Infection, with symptoms such as:
• Frequent Urination
• Burning during urination
• Dark and cloudy urine
• Strong urine odor
• Pelvic Pain
• White Vaginal Discharge
• Vaginal Itching
• Swelling of the penis
• Penile Discharge
4. Dehydration, with symptoms like:
• Dizziness
• Weakness
5. Ketoacidosis, with symptoms including:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Stomach pain
6. Hypoglycemia
7. Hypotension
8. Fracture
Common Side Effects:
• Mild Genital Infection
• Increased Urination
• Thirst
• Constipation
These are potential side effects associated with Invokana. If you encounter any of these symptoms, it is crucial to promptly seek medical attention.

Warning and Precaution

Important Warnings:
1. Lower Limb Amputation Risk: Invokana (Canagliflozin) may heighten the risk of lower limb amputation in patients.
2. Genital Infection: Patients may be at risk of severe genital infections.
Other Warnings and Precautions:
Do not take this medication if you have or are:
• Kidney Problems
• Undergoing Dialysis
• Heart problems
Notify your physician if you possess or are experiencing:
• Diabetic foot ulcer
• Kidney problems
• Diabetic Ketoacidosis
• Nerve problems in limbs
• Blood circulation problems in limbs
• Liver disease
• Heart disease
• Bladder Infection
• Pancreatic issues
• On a low-salt diet
• Pregnant or planning to conceive
• Breastfeeding
• Scheduled for surgery
• Taking other medications