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Afinitor (Everolimus)

Original price was: $16,417.00.Current price is: $16,407.00.

Everolimus, known as Afinitor, is a versatile treatment option used for various medical conditions. It’s employed for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) after other treatments have proven ineffective. Additionally, it tackles advanced breast cancer and certain types of pancreatic, stomach, intestinal, or lung cancers that can’t be surgically treated.



Everolimus, known as Afinitor, is a versatile treatment option used for various medical conditions. It’s employed for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) after other treatments have proven ineffective. Additionally, it tackles advanced breast cancer and certain types of pancreatic, stomach, intestinal, or lung cancers that can’t be surgically treated. For those with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), it addresses kidney tumors and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) brain tumors in both adults and children over one year of age. Everolimus, whether as Afinitor or Afinitor Disperz, acts as a kinase inhibitor, thwarting cancer cell growth and restricting blood supply to these cells. In the form of Zortress, it assists in preventing transplant rejection after kidney transplants by moderating immune system activity.

Additional information


-Everolimus comes in tablet form to be taken orally or suspended in water and then ingested. The dosing regimen varies based on the condition being treated. For conditions such as SEGA or certain cancers (RCC, breast, pancreatic, stomach, intestine, lung), it's typically taken once a day. If used to prevent transplant rejection, it's taken twice daily in tandem with cyclosporine. It's important to consistently take Everolimus with or without food, around the same time each day. Follow your prescription label carefully and seek clarification from your doctor or pharmacist for any uncertainties.
Tablets should be swallowed whole with a full glass of water—no splitting, chewing, or crushing. If using tablets for oral suspension (Afinitor Disperz), mix them with water before use. Do not mix with juice or any liquid other than water. Prepare the mixture within 60 minutes of use and avoid preparing it on surfaces used for food. If preparing for someone else, use gloves to prevent contact. Pregnant individuals should avoid handling Everolimus. Mixing in an oral syringe or glass involves placing the prescribed number of tablets, adding water, and waiting. For the syringe method, gently agitate the syringe and administer. For the glass method, stir and have the patient drink the mixture immediately. Dosing may change based on various factors, and your doctor will adjust it accordingly. Always communicate any side effects or changes in your condition to your healthcare provider during your Everolimus treatment.

Side Effects

Side Effects
Everolimus might lead to various side effects. Inform your doctor if any of these symptoms become severe or persistent:
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Altered taste perception
• Weight loss
• Dry mouth
• Weakness
• Headache
• Sleep difficulties
• Nosebleeds
• Dry skin
• Acne
• Nail issues
• Hair loss
• Pain in limbs, back, or joints
• Muscle cramps
• Irregular menstrual cycles
• Heavy menstrual bleeding
• Sexual difficulties
• Anxiety
• Behavioral changes
Certain side effects require prompt medical attention. If you experience any of these symptoms or those mentioned in the IMPORTANT WARNING section, contact your doctor immediately:
• Hives
• Itching
• Swelling of body parts
• Hoarseness
• Breathing difficulties
• Wheezing
• Flushing
• Chest pain
• Excessive thirst or hunger
• Unusual bleeding or bruising
• Pale skin
• Rapid or irregular heartbeat
• Dizziness
• Seizures
Everolimus may impact fertility in both genders. Discuss potential risks with your doctor. It's important to note that everolimus may cause other side effects. If you encounter any unusual issues while taking this medication, consult your doctor.


-Store this medication in its original blister pack, securely sealed, and out of children's reach. Keep it at room temperature, away from excessive heat, light, and moisture (not in the bathroom). Ensure the blister packs and tablets remain dry. Dispose of unused medication safely to prevent accidental consumption by pets, children, or others. Do not flush it down the toilet. Opt for a medicine take-back program for proper disposal. If unavailable, consult your pharmacist or local garbage/recycling department.


-In the event of an accidental overdose or experiencing symptoms of overdose, such as severe dizziness, trouble breathing, or fainting, seek immediate medical attention. Stay in close contact with your healthcare provider to ensure your treatment plan remains appropriate for your needs.


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