

The active ingredients in Clarus Antifungal Cream vary by formulation but typically include agents like clotrimazole or terbinafine, which are well-known for their antifungal properties. These ingredients function by eradicating the fungal cells responsible for infection, thus preventing their growth and replication on the skin. The cream base of the medication helps soothe the skin, providing relief from irritation and discomfort while the active ingredients target the infection.

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Clarus Antifungal Cream is a topical medication designed to treat a variety of fungal infections, including athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris), and ringworm (tinea corporis). It contains antifungal agents that work by stopping the growth of fungi. This medication is formulated to relieve symptoms such as itching, burning, cracking, and scaling associated with fungal infections. Available over the counter, Clarus Antifungal Cream offers a convenient option for those seeking effective relief from skin fungal infections.

Additional information


Fungal Infections: Clarus Antifungal Cream is indicated for the treatment of skin conditions such as: ● Athlete's foot (Tinea pedis) ● Jock itch (Tinea cruris) ● Ringworm (Tinea corporis) To use Clarus Antifungal Cream effectively, patients should: ● Clean and thoroughly dry the affected area before application. ● Apply a thin layer of the cream to and around the affected areas as directed by the product packaging or a healthcare provider, typically twice a day (morning and night) for a duration specified on the product label. ● Continue using the cream for the full treatment period, even if symptoms improve, to prevent the recurrence of the infection.

Side Effects

● Mild burning, itching, or irritation at the application site ● Redness ● Peeling of the treated skin Serious side effects requiring immediate medical attention are rare but can include: ● Blistering ● Swelling ● Open sores


Store Clarus Antifungal Cream at room temperature, away from direct light and moisture. Keep the tube tightly closed when not in use and ensure it is out of reach of children and pets.

Special Precautions

Before using Clarus Antifungal Cream, consult with a healthcare provider if you have: ● Allergies to clotrimazole, terbinafine, other antifungal medications, or any ingredients in the cream. ● A condition that affects your immune system, such as HIV/AIDS, may influence your ability to fight off fungal infections. Avoid using the cream on the eyes, nose, mouth, or vagina. If the medication accidentally gets into any of these areas, rinse thoroughly with water.


An overdose of Clarus Antifungal Cream is unlikely if used according to the directions. However, if the cream is ingested, it may lead to adverse side effects, and medical attention should be sought. Treatment will typically focus on managing any symptoms that arise. Clarus Antifungal Cream's effective formula offers relief from uncomfortable and often stubborn fungal infections of the skin. To ensure optimal results and safety, patients should adhere closely to the instructions provided on the product label or by a healthcare provider.


10MG, 40MG


30 Capsules


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