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Buy Cyproterone Acetate from Canada

Original price was: $256.00.Current price is: $140.17.

Cyproterone acetate operates by inhibiting the binding of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to its receptors in the body, reducing the overall effects of androgens. This leads to a decrease in the excessive growth of body hair, improvement in acne conditions, and helps in the management of prostate cancer by controlling the growth of cancerous cells that require androgens to grow. In conjunction with its anti-androgen effects, cyproterone also has progestogen properties, making it effective for use in combination therapies for hormonal management and contraception in women.

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Cyproterone acetate belongs to a group of medications known as anti-androgens, which work by blocking the effects of male hormones (androgens) in the body. This medication is used in various conditions related to the overproduction of androgens or where the reduction of androgen effects is desired. Cyproterone acetate is used to treat conditions such as severe acne in women, hirsutism (excessive body hair), and in men with prostate cancer. By reducing the action of androgens, cyproterone acetate helps to control the progression of these conditions, offering symptomatic relief and preventing further complications.

Additional information


Indications: Cyproterone acetate is indicated for the treatment of: ● Severe acne and hirsutism in women ● Management of androgen-dependent prostate cancer in men ● Part of hormone therapy for transgender women To use cyproterone acetate effectively, patients should: ● Take it orally, typically once daily or as prescribed by their healthcare provider. ● Ensure consistent administration in relation to meals or time of day as advised by a healthcare professional. ● Be cognizant of the interaction of cyproterone acetate with other medications, requiring a thorough discussion of current medications with a healthcare provider.

Side Effects

● Fatigue ● Weight changes ● Mood changes Serious side effects requiring immediate medical attention include: ● Hepatic dysfunction or liver injury ● Blood clots (e.g., Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism) ● Depression or significant mood swings


Store cyproterone acetate at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep the medication out of reach of children and pets, and ensure the package is securely closed to maintain the integrity of the medication.

Special Precautions

Before using cyproterone acetate, inform your healthcare provider if you have: ● Liver disease or hepatic impairment ● A history of venous thromboembolism or blood clots ● Any known allergies to cyproterone acetate or other medications Pregnant women or those trying to conceive should not use cyproterone acetate due to the risk of harmful effects on the fetus. Breastfeeding women should also consult their healthcare provider for advice before starting treatment.


Symptoms of cyproterone acetate overdose may include nausea, vomiting, or menstrual irregularities. If an overdose is suspected, seeking immediate medical attention is important. Proper adherence to the dosage regimen prescribed by a healthcare professional is crucial to minimize risks associated with overdose and to manage the condition effectively. By effectively replacing missing digestive enzymes, Creon plays a critical role in managing conditions associated with pancreatic insufficiency, improving the quality of life for affected individuals through enhanced digestion and nutrient absorption.


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