Buy Lansoprazole DR from Canada


Lansoprazole DR is engineered to resist the immediate acidic environment of the stomach. This mechanism allows the granules to pass intact through the stomach and release the active compound in the higher pH environment of the intestines. This targeted release is instrumental in ensuring that lansoprazole effectively inhibits the acid-producing proton pumps for an extended period, offering more sustained relief and promoting healing in acid-related conditions.



Lansoprazole delayed-release (DR) is a medication in the class of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) specifically formulated to provide a sustained-release effect, thereby prolonging its action. It is commonly utilized for the treatment of conditions that benefit from the reduction of gastric acid over an extended period, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. When compared to immediate-release formulations, delayed-release lansoprazole can maintain a consistent suppression of gastric acid over a longer duration, optimizing therapeutic benefits.

Additional information



Lansoprazole DR is indicated in the management of:

● Persistent symptoms of GERD and maintenance of healing in erosive esophagitis.
● Ongoing treatment for peptic ulcer disease, including duodenal ulcers.
● Reducing duodenal ulcer recurrence, often in combination with antibiotics for eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection.

Patients should:

● Comply with the dosage and timing as prescribed, typically once daily.
● Take the medication on an empty stomach to enhance absorption.
● Be aware of the potential risks associated with long-term use, including increases in fracture risk, and deficiencies in vitamin B12 and magnesium.


● Lansoprazole DR is typically provided in the form of capsules filled with enteric-coated granules.
● The capsules are designed to avoid dissolution in the stomach, delaying the release until the granules reach the more neutral pH of the intestines.
● Capsules should be swallowed whole and not crushed or chewed.


● Contraindicated in patients with a known allergy to lansoprazole or other constituents in the formulation.
● Exercise caution in patients with liver dysfunction for metabolism-related concerns.
● Patients on long-term lansoprazole DR therapy should be periodically monitored for vitamin and mineral levels, kidney function, and bone health.

Drug Interactions:

● May interfere with the absorption of drugs that need a low pH, like atazanavir and nelfinavir.
● Possible interaction with clopidogrel, as it could reduce its effectiveness

Side Effects

● Diarrhea
● Nausea
● Abdominal pain
● Constipation

Seek medical advice if serious side effects occur, such as:

● Severe allergic reactions
● Stevens-Johnson syndrome
● Pancreatitis
● Hepatotoxicity


● Store Lansoprazole DR at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C).
● Keep the medication away from light and moisture.
● Ensure it is stored in its original packaging until administration.

Special Precautions

● Inform healthcare providers of any pre-existing conditions, especially if pregnant or breastfeeding.
● Discuss any need for magnesium supplementation with a healthcare provider before starting lansoprazole DR therapy.


Signs of lansoprazole DR overdose could include:

● Increased heart rate
● Excessive sweating
● Persistent headache
● Blurred vision
● Confusion or agitation

An overdose necessitates urgent medical evaluation to manage symptoms appropriately and prevent potential complications.


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