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Buy Mexate-AQ Preserved (Methotrexate Sodium) from Canada

Original price was: $48.91.Current price is: $38.91.

Methotrexate acts by inhibiting the proliferation of specific rapidly dividing cells in the body, including cancer cells, bone marrow cells, and skin cells.

It finds application in treating leukemia, as well as various cancer types affecting the breast, skin, head, neck, lungs, or uterus.



Methotrexate acts by inhibiting the proliferation of specific rapidly dividing cells in the body, including cancer cells, bone marrow cells, and skin cells.

It finds application in treating leukemia, as well as various cancer types affecting the breast, skin, head, neck, lungs, or uterus.

Moreover, Methotrexate is employed to manage severe psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in adults, and it’s an approved treatment for active polyarticular-course juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children.

Additional information


Methotrexate dosing may not require daily intake. Some regimens involve once-weekly dosing or 2 to 4 times weekly. In certain cases, daily treatment is followed by a week-long rest period.
It's imperative to adhere to the prescribed dose as incorrect daily use can have fatal consequences.
Always take Methotrexate exactly as directed on your prescription label and follow the provided medication guides and instructions.
For liquid medication, carefully measure the dose using the supplied dosing syringe or a proper medicine dose-measuring device (not a kitchen spoon).
Methotrexate can pose organ toxicity and reduce blood cell counts. Regular medical tests, occasional liver biopsies, or chest X-rays may be necessary. Cancer treatments might be adjusted based on test results.
If sedation is required for dental work, inform your dentist of your current Methotrexate use.

Side Effects

Side Effects:
Seek immediate medical assistance if you exhibit signs of an allergic reaction to methotrexate, such as hives, breathing difficulties, or facial/throat swelling, or if you experience a severe skin reaction marked by fever, a sore throat, burning eyes, skin pain, and a spreading, blistering, and peeling red or purple rash.
Methotrexate carries the potential for serious or fatal side effects. Promptly contact your doctor if you encounter:
1. Sudden chest pain, wheezing, dry cough, cough with mucus, shortness of breath.
2. Fever, chills, swollen lymph glands, night sweats, or unexplained weight loss.
3. Blisters or ulcers in your mouth, red or swollen gums, or difficulty swallowing.
4. Vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in urine or stools.
5. Skin changes like redness, warmth, swelling, or oozing.
6. Low blood cell counts, manifesting as fever, chills, tiredness, mouth sores, skin sores, easy bruising, unusual bleeding, pale skin, cold extremities, light-headedness, or shortness of breath.
7. Kidney issues, indicated by minimal or no urination and foot/ankle swelling.
8. Liver problems, recognized by midsection swelling, right upper stomach pain, nausea, loss of appetite, dark urine, or jaundice (yellowing of skin/eyes).
9. Nerve problems, including confusion, weakness, drowsiness, coordination difficulties, irritability, headache, neck stiffness, vision troubles, movement loss in any body part, or seizures.
10. Signs of tumor cell breakdown, like fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid/slow heart rate, and tingling in hands/feet or around the mouth.
Common methotrexate side effects may encompass fever, chills, fatigue, general malaise, low blood cell counts, mouth sores, nausea, stomach pain, abnormal liver function test results, hair loss, burning skin lesions, or heightened sensitivity to light.
This list is not exhaustive, and other side effects may arise. Consult your doctor for medical guidance regarding side effects.


To maintain the efficacy of Mexate-AQ Preserved, follow these storage guidelines:
• Keep it at room temperature, and shield it from excessive heat and moisture.
• Keep this medication at room temperature and shield it from excessive heat and moisture.
• Ensure that children cannot access it.
• Avoid keeping it in the bathroom.
• Refrain from freezing the medication.


In the event of a potential overdose or accidental ingestion, seek immediate medical attention. Overdosing on Mexate-AQ Preserved can lead to severe health complications. Be sure to keep this medication well out of reach of children and pets.
Remember, Mexate-AQ Preserved should only be taken as prescribed by your healthcare provider. It plays a crucial role in managing various health conditions, but its usage should be closely monitored to minimize risks and maximize therapeutic benefits.


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