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Original price was: $249.82.Current price is: $239.82.

Qvar stands at the forefront of inhaler technology, synergizing medical innovation with the proven effectiveness of Beclomethasone, a distinguished corticosteroid celebrated for its potent anti-inflammatory prowess. The formulation of Qvar goes beyond traditional treatments, embodying a holistic approach to respiratory care.



Qvar stands at the forefront of inhaler technology, synergizing medical innovation with the proven effectiveness of Beclomethasone, a distinguished corticosteroid celebrated for its potent anti-inflammatory prowess. The formulation of Qvar goes beyond traditional treatments, embodying a holistic approach to respiratory care:

– It actively targets the root of respiratory discomfort by significantly reducing inflammation within the airways, creating an environment conducive to unhindered breathing.

– With its proactive stance, Qvar doesn’t just provide relief but also acts as a protective shield, preventing the onset of symptoms and reducing the frequency of flare-ups.

– Crafted with precision, the inhaler boasts a cutting-edge delivery system. This ensures that each dose is not only consistent but also maximizes therapeutic benefits, minimizing waste.

– The ergonomic design of the inhaler device ensures ease of use, catering to the needs of both novice users and those familiar with inhaler therapies, facilitating a seamless experience.

In essence, Qvar is not just a medication; it’s a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for those navigating the complexities of respiratory ailments.

Additional information


-Every breath we take signifies the rhythm of life. However, for many, this simple act is marred by respiratory challenges. Qvar, infused with Beclomethasone, emerges as a beacon of hope in such situations, aiming to transform each breath into a symphony of relief and vitality.


– Shake the Qvar inhaler vigorously before each use.
– Exhale completely, positioning the inhaler's mouthpiece to your lips.
-. Inhale slowly while pressing down on the inhaler to release the medication.
– Hold your breath momentarily to allow the medication to settle.
-Rinse your mouth after use to avoid any residue.

Note: Always use Qvar as prescribed by your healthcare professional.

Side Effects

Side Effects
While many users find Qvar to be well-tolerated, some potential side effects include:

– Throat irritation or dryness.
– Hoarseness or voice changes.
– Cough or respiratory infections.
– Headaches.

Always consult with your doctor about any unusual or persistent symptoms.


– Store Qvar at room temperature, keeping it shielded from direct sunlight and extreme cold or heat.
– Ensure the protective cap is secured on the mouthpiece when not in active use.
– Refrain from puncturing the canister or exposing it to open flames.


-If an overdose is suspected or the inhaler is ingested accidentally, it is crucial to seek medical intervention promptly. Symptoms of overdose might include excessive tiredness, depression, or nausea.


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