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Buy Restasis Ophthalmic Emulsion from Canada

Original price was: $305.00.Current price is: $300.00.

Restasis, also known as Cyclosporine Eye Drops, is a prescription medication designed to address chronic dry eye in individuals aged 16 and older. Chronic dry eye is a long-lasting condition characterized by insufficient eye moisture. Restasis contains the active ingredient cyclosporine and falls under the category of calcineurin inhibitor immunosuppressants. Its mechanism of action involves enhancing the natural tear production capacity of the eyes.



Restasis, also known as Cyclosporine Eye Drops, is a prescription medication designed to address chronic dry eye in individuals aged 16 and older. Chronic dry eye is a long-lasting condition characterized by insufficient eye moisture. Restasis contains the active ingredient cyclosporine and falls under the category of calcineurin inhibitor immunosuppressants. Its mechanism of action involves enhancing the natural tear production capacity of the eyes. This medication is administered in the form of liquid emulsion eye drops, with a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml.

Additional information


Apply this medication to the affected eye(s) as instructed by your physician, typically twice a day with approximately 12 hours between doses. Before using the eye drops, ensure that your hands are clean. To prevent contamination, refrain from touching the dropper tip or allowing it to come into contact with your eye or any other surface.

Side Effects

Side Effects
Common side effects may include blurred vision, eye discharge, dry eyes, eye burning, irritation, pain, redness, stinging, a sensation of foreign matter in the eye, headache, itchy eyes, and light sensitivity. While most of these side effects are not common, it's important to be aware of them, as they could potentially lead to serious issues if left unchecked. Contact your doctor or seek medical attention promptly if you experience any of the following uncommon side effects: changes in vision, eye swelling, or hives. If you notice any unusual symptoms not mentioned here, consult your doctor for guidance.


Store this medication at room temperature, avoiding exposure to light and moisture. It's important to note that you should not store it in the bathroom. Always ensure that all medications are kept out of the reach of children and pets.


Restasis (Cyclosporine Eye Drops) should not be used if you have an allergy to cyclosporine. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, Restasis is generally considered safe, but it's important to inform your doctor about your pregnancy status. While it's likely safe during breastfeeding, it's not confirmed whether Restasis passes into breast milk or poses a risk to nursing infants. Please consult your doctor if you are breastfeeding. This medication is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 16.


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