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Pifeltro (Doravirine)

Original price was: $1,748.41.Current price is: $1,738.41.

Pifeltro, encapsulating the dynamic potency of its principal ingredient Doravirine, is a modern-day triumph in the fight against HIV. As an integral member of the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) family, its presence in the medical world has made a tangible difference in the treatment and management of HIV.



Pifeltro, encapsulating the dynamic potency of its principal ingredient Doravirine, is a modern-day triumph in the fight against HIV. As an integral member of the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) family, its presence in the medical world has made a tangible difference in the treatment and management of HIV.

Designed meticulously with the needs of patients in mind, its creation wasn’t a mere accident. Instead, it was the culmination of extensive research, rigorous testing, and relentless iterations. The result? A medication that not only promises results but delivers them with distinction.

Delving Deeper into Pifeltro’s Unique Features:

Precision Targeting: At the heart of HIV’s virulence is the reverse transcriptase enzyme – a machinery that the virus employs to replicate and sustain its hold on the body. Pifeltro, with its active ingredient Doravirine, doesn’t just challenge this mechanism; it directly obstructs it. By targeting this enzyme, the medication prevents HIV from making copies of itself, slowing its progression and mitigating its effects.

Balanced Approach: Every patient desires efficacy in treatment, but not at the cost of tolerability. Pifeltro strikes an enviable balance between the two. While its potency is undoubted in suppressing HIV, it’s formulated to reduce the possibility of severe side effects, making the treatment journey smoother for patients.

User-Friendly Administration: The challenges of managing HIV are manifold, and the last thing a patient needs is a complicated medication routine. Recognizing this, Pifeltro is developed as a once-daily tablet, simplifying the intake process. This design ensures that patients can seamlessly integrate the medication into their daily lives, leading to better adherence and, consequently, better outcomes.

Additional information


-In the evolving realm of HIV treatment, Pifeltro stands as a hallmark of innovative care. Rooted in advanced scientific research and a patient-focused approach, this medication aims to revolutionize HIV management.


Pifeltro is indicated for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults. It's recommended to:
– Consume one tablet each day with or without food.
– Follow the exact dosage prescribed by your healthcare provider.
– Ensure consistency in your medication routine for optimal results.

Side Effects

Side Effects
While Pifeltro is generally well-tolerated, some individuals might experience side effects. Common ones include:
– Nausea
– Dizziness
– Abnormal dreams
– Rash
– Fatigue
Always inform your healthcare provider about any unusual or persistent symptoms.


-Store Pifeltro at room temperature, preferably between 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F). Ensure the storage area is dry and away from direct sunlight. Retain the medication in its initial packaging, ensuring it's securely sealed.


-If an overdose is suspected, seek emergency medical attention promptly. Overdose symptoms might include severe dizziness, fatigue, or unusual behavior. It's crucial to always stick to the prescribed dosage and consult your doctor if adjustments are needed.


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