Showing 301–312 of 549 results

  • Buy Midamor from Canada

    Original price was: $78.00.Current price is: $63.95.

    Amiloride, the active ingredient in Midamor, is a diuretic that affects the kidneys to prevent the absorption of too much salt and maintain potassium levels in the body. Unlike other diuretics, Midamor does not cause potassium loss, making it beneficial in treating conditions requiring the avoidance of hypokalemia (low potassium levels).

  • Buy Midodrine from Canada


    Midodrine hydrochloride, the active compound in Midodrine, works by constricting (narrowing) blood vessels and elevating blood pressure, particularly when a person transitions to an upright position, to counteract the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension. This action helps alleviate symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and potential fainting associated with a rapid drop in blood pressure upon standing.

  • Buy Migranal Nasal Spray from Canada

    Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $59.95.

    Dihydroergotamine mesylate, the active ingredient in Migranal Nasal Spray, acts on serotonin (5-HT) receptors in the brain to induce vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) around the brain. This action is believed to alleviate the pain of migraine headaches. It may also affect other pain pathways and inflammation related to migraine headaches.

  • Buy Milk Of Magnesia Mint from Canada


    The product is in liquid form and designed for oral consumption. It primarily comprises magnesium hydroxide, which draws water into the intestines, facilitating easier stool passage. The mint flavor helps mask the typically unpleasant taste of milk of magnesia, making it more palatable for all age groups.

  • Buy Mirtazapine from Canada


    Mirtazapine belongs to a class of medications known as antidepressants, specifically within the group termed Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressants (NaSSAs). It modulates the brain’s neurotransmitter activity, enhancing mood and emotional well-being. By balancing serotonin and norepinephrine levels, Mirtazapine effectively alleviates the symptoms of depression, improves sleep patterns, and reduces anxiety levels.

  • Buy Misoprostol from Canada


    Misoprostol is classified under medications known as prostaglandin analogs. It exerts its effects by mimicking the activity of body-produced prostaglandins, which have several important functions, including protecting the stomach lining from the damaging effects of acid and inducing labor by stimulating uterine contractions. Through these mechanisms, Misoprostol offers a multifaceted approach to treating and preventing gastric ulcers, managing miscarriage, and facilitating childbirth.

  • Buy Moclobemide from Canada


    Moclobemide belongs to the antidepressant category of drugs known as reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A (RIMA). By selectively targeting and inhibiting the MAO-A enzyme, moclobemide leads to an increase in the availability of central nervous system neurotransmitters, playing a crucial role in mood regulation and anxiety disorders. This selective inhibition allows for a more favorable side effect profile compared to older, non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), making Moclobemide a preferred choice in treating depression and anxiety.

  • Buy Mometasone from Canada

    Original price was: $56.00.Current price is: $45.00.

    Mometasone belongs to a class of medications known as corticosteroids, which act to reduce inflammation and modulate the immune system’s response. It is specifically classified as a medium to high-potency steroid. The drug achieves its effect by prompting cells to produce anti-inflammatory proteins while inhibiting inflammatory mediators, thus leading to decreased inflammation in affected tissues.

  • Buy Mometasone Nasal Spray from Canada

    Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $27.99.

    Mometasone Nasal Spray is a medication that provides effective relief from the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever. This nasal spray contains the active ingredient mometasone furoate, which belongs to a class of drugs called corticosteroids. Mometasone works by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune response in the nasal passages, helping to alleviate symptoms such as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itching, and congestion caused by allergies.

  • Buy Montelukast from Canada


    Montelukast is prescribed to prevent symptoms such as wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, and difficulty breathing that are associated with asthma. Additionally, it is used to thwart bronchospasm, which leads to breathing difficulties during physical exertion. Montelukast is also administered to alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, whether it is seasonal (occurring during specific times of the year) or perennial (persistent throughout the year).

  • Buy Mounjaro from Canada


    Tirzepatide functions by stimulating the release of insulin while decreasing the secretion of glucagon. These hormones play key roles in controlling blood glucose levels. Insulin lowers blood sugar by helping cells absorb glucose, while glucagon increases blood sugar by prompting the liver to release stored glucose. Mounjaro also slows gastric emptying, contributing to decreased blood sugar levels after meals.

  • Buy Multaq from Canada

    Original price was: $300.00.Current price is: $220.38.

    Dronedarone is employed to manage individuals who presently exhibit a normal heart rhythm but have previously experienced atrial fibrillation. Its purpose is to diminish the likelihood of hospitalization for atrial fibrillation treatment in individuals with this condition. Dronedarone falls into the category of drugs known as antiarrhythmics, and its mode of action involves facilitating a regular heartbeat.