Diovan 160mg 28 Tablets

Diovan is a Robust Solution for Hypertension and Heart Health

Diovan, generically known as Valsartan, is a solution for managing high blood pressure and heart failure, significantly contributing to good cardiovascular health.

Benefits of Diovan

Diovan effectively lowers blood pressure

Diovan aids in treating heart failure

Diovan supports post-heart attack recovery

Getting Started with Diovan

Side Effects

Diovan is essential for controlling high blood pressure and heart failure. It is usually safe, but knowing its possible side effects is imperative to using it safely.

Common Side Effects:

  • Tiredness
  • Pain in the joints
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Coughing
  • Blurred vision
  • Skin rash
  • Pain in the back
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea


Less Common Side Effects:

  • Swelling in various body parts such as the face, legs, or arms
  • Difficulty in swallowing or breathing
  • Unintended weight gain
  • Hoarseness in voice


Act quickly if you take too much Diovan. Call emergency services or go straight to the nearest hospital. Clearly tell the medical staff about the Diovan dosage you took. Lastly, stay calm and follow their instructions closely to ensure a smoother recovery.

Missed Dose

Take your dose of Diovan upon remembrance, but skip if your next scheduled dose is near. Don’t try to catch up by taking extra. Keep following your regular schedule, as this helps to prevent taking too much at once, which could lead to increased side effects or overdose.


To ensure Diovan retains its effectiveness, store it at room temperature. It’s also advisable to shelter the medication from moisture by keeping it in a tightly sealed container. On top of that, we recommend placing that container in an area that is inaccessible to your children and pets.

How Much Is Diovan 160mg?

Unlock the path to effective blood pressure management with Diovan 160mg. Get it in packs of 28 tablets for just $65.99. At BetterYouRX, we deliver solutions tailored to your unique needs. Choose us for a smooth experience backed by our steadfast commitment to your well-being

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What is Diovan?

Diovan is a prescription medication. Healthcare professionals commonly prescribe it for managing high blood pressure and heart failure. It lowers the risk of complications like strokes and heart attacks. This medication is suitable for adults and children over six years old. It comes in tablet form for easy oral administration.

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How Diovan Works?

Diovan blocks angiotensin II, a natural chemical that tightens blood vessels and increases blood pressure. The drug opens blood vessels by stopping angiotensin II, improving blood flow.

The effects of Diovan ultimately ease the heart’s work and keep blood vessels healthy for a long time. If anything, the drug is a lifesaver for people with heart health issues, helping control blood pressure and prevent serious problems.

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