Edarbyclor 40/12.5mg 28 Tablets

Edarbyclor Lowers Blood Pressure to Safeguard Your Cardiovascular Health

Edarbyclor combines the blood pressure-lowering effects of two medications, providing a potent one-two punch against hypertension. It’s a convenient formula that helps patients manage their blood pressure more effectively, paving the way for a healthier heart and circulatory system.

Benefits of Edarbyclor

Diovan plays a vital role in diminishing high blood pressure

Diovan is crucial for effective heart failure management

Diovan facilitates recovery following a heart attack

Getting Started with Edarbyclor

Unlock the pathway to Canadian Edarbyclor with the convenience that BetterYouRX promises. Our dedicated team is ready to guide you through your purchase. Just pick up the phone and call 1-647-576-2076 or 1-917-472-1249, and we’ll be at your service.

Side Effects

Edarbyclor is acknowledged for its commendable safety profile. However, a thorough understanding of its potential side effects is essential for optimal management of your health regimen.

Common Side Effects:

  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Occasional dizziness
  • Skin irritation or rash
  • A general sense of weakness
  • Persistent cough
  • Feelings of nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Discomfort in the stomach

Severe Side Effects:

  • An unusual decrease in urination or absence of it
  • Symptoms of dehydration, such as excessive thirst
  • Sudden weight fluctuations and swelling
  • Experiencing breathlessness
  • Signs of an electrolyte imbalance
  • A pronounced sense of confusion or mood alterations
  • Loss of appetite
  • Severe drowsiness
  • The sensation of being on the verge of fainting


During an overdose of Edarbyclor, immediately call for medical help or contact Poison Control. Do not wait for symptoms to appear, as prompt action is crucial. 

While waiting for help, keep the individual calm in a seated or lying position. Ensure they do not consume anything, especially not alcohol or other medications, until medical responders arrive.

Missed Dose

If you forget to take your Edarbyclor, take it as soon as you remember. But if it’s almost time for your next dose, just skip the one you missed. Don’t take two doses at once. Keep taking your medicine as you normally would. If you’re not sure what to do, ask your doctor for help.


Keep Edarbyclor in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Make sure the bottle is tightly closed and stored at room temperature. Keep it out of reach of children and pets for safety. Do not store in the bathroom or near moisture to maintain its effectiveness.

How Much is Edarbyclor 40/12.5mg?

Step up your wellness journey with BetterYouRX’s deal on Edarbyclor 40/12.5mg, now available in a pack of 28 tablets for just $53.11. Our dedicated service ensures you receive top-quality medication swiftly and securely. Choose BetterYouRX for a superior pharmacy experience and make a positive move for your health today.

What is Edarbyclor?

Edarbyclor is prescribed to manage high blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. It’s not suitable for individuals who can’t urinate properly, pregnant women, or those with certain medical conditions such as diabetes when taken with specific medications. 

How Edarbyclor Works?

Edarbyclor tackles high blood pressure by combining the strengths of azilsartan and chlorthalidone. Together, they help to lower blood pressure and reduce the strain on your heart. 

This medication is usually taken once a day and is part of a comprehensive treatment program that may include diet, exercise, and weight control. Regular monitoring of blood pressure and kidney function is part of the treatment process to ensure Edarbyclor is working effectively.

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