Mesalamine 400mg (Novo-5-ASA) 100 Tablets

Mesalamine: Effective at Inducing Remission in Ulcerative Colitis

Mesalamine effectively treats and prevents further flare-ups of ulcerative colitis, reducing inflammation and associated symptoms. In addition, it also sustains the improvement of ulcerative colitis symptoms

Benefits of Mesalamine

Mesalamine effectively treats mild to moderate ulcerative colitis

Mesalamine helps prevent the recurrence of ulcerative colitis symptoms

Mesalamine can also be beneficial in managing Crohn’s disease

Getting Started with Mesalamine

Your health and well-being are our top priorities at BetterYouRX. Our team of experts is here to help you whenever you need it. Please contact us at 1-647-576-2076 or 1-917-472-1249 with any questions or concerns. Our dedication to promoting your well-being is unwavering!

Side Effects

Awareness of Mesalamine’s side effects, including but not limited to bloody diarrhea, chest tightness, and allergic reactions, is crucial to effectively manage and promptly address any adverse reactions that may arise during treatment.

Common Side Effects:

  • Lack of hunger
  • Back discomfort
  • Muscular or skeletal stiffness, tension, or aching
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Oral dryness
  • Decreased appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Flatulence
  • Eruption of acne
  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating
  • Itchy skin
  • Burping
  • Loss of hair
  • Vomiting

Severe Side Effects:

  • Swelling part of the body
  • Very tired
  • Yellow skin or eyes
  • Hard to breathe or swallow
  • Skin rash or blisters
  • Coughing a lot
  • Feeling like having the flu
  • Dark stool
  • Vomiting blood or dark stuff
  • Chest hurts
  • Pain or blood when peeing
  • Swelling on the face or throat
  • Right abdomen hurts
  • Pale stool
  • Pain in the back or side
  • Shortness of breath
  • Mouth blisters or sores


In case of a suspected Mesalamine overdose, immediately cease the medication and reach out to your doctor or go to the nearest hospital. 

It is essential to describe all symptoms clearly, including general feelings of discomfort or illness, difficulty with breathing, and changes in urine. Remember, prompt treatment is essential in such scenarios, even if signs seem moderate.

Missed Dose

Take your Mesalamine dosage as soon as you recall if you’ve forgotten to take it. On the other hand, if your next dose is approaching, skip the missed one and carry on with your usual routine. Taking two doses to make up for a missed one is not recommended.


Mesalamine must be stored at room temperature in a closed container away from moisture, ideally between 20°C and 25°C (68°F and 77°F). Thai medication should be kept out of children’s reach and shielded from cold and high temperatures at all times.

How Much is Mesalamine 400mg (Novo-5-ASA)?

BetterYouRX prioritizes your health, and we’re offering Mesalamine 400mg (Novo-5-ASA) at the budget-friendly price of $67.97. With a patient-centric approach, our primary objective revolves around offering personalized healthcare solutions. We simplify your medication access by delivering Canadian prescriptions straight to your doorstep!

What is Mesalamine?

Mesalamine (5-aminosalicylic acid) is a widely recognized medication often used to treat and maintain ulcerative colitis. Available in various formulations, it provides a range of options for convenient administration. This drug is considered a close relative to Balsalazide, Olsalazine, and Sulfasalazine.

How Does Mesalamine Work?

Mesalamine modulates local chemical mediators, which are responsible for the inflammatory response in inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. 


Furthermore, it acts as a free radical scavenger and an inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Although the exact mechanism of action is not entirely understood, its therapeutic impact has been proven to reduce inflammation within the intestine

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