Muse 500 mcg 1 Suppository

Muse Suppository: A Significant Development in Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Muse Suppository presents an innovative, effective option for individuals grappling with erectile dysfunction (ED). Providing accessible and advantageous means to manage ED empowers men to lead fulfilling lives.

Benefits of Muse

Muse Suppository is recognized for its success in treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Muse Suppository offers a direct treatment option

Muse Suppository is FDA-approved

Getting Started with Muse

At BetterYouRX, our patient’s health and quality of life are our primary concern. An expert team is ready to answer any queries, provide support, and guide on Muse Suppository usage and management. Please reach out to us at 1-647-576-2076 or 1-917-472-1249. Our end goal: your optimal health outcomes.

Side Effects

Every medication presents potential side effects, and Muse Suppository is no exception. Awareness of these possible effects before starting treatment is important.

Common Side Effects:

  • Mild to moderate penile pain
  • Urethral burning or bleeding
  • Testicular pain

Severe Side Effects:

  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Penis or testicular pain persisting for prolonged periods
  • The erection that lasts for over 4 hours


In the event of a Muse Suppository overdose, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention. Signs of an overdose, such as a prolonged erection or intense discomfort, warrant swift professional intervention.

Missed Dose

Muse Suppository is a medication utilized on an as-needed basis, making a missed dose less of a concern. However, to ensure its effectiveness in treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED), precise adherence to your healthcare provider’s instructions for usage and dosage is integral. Thus, establishing a consistent routine with your Muse Suppository treatment can potentially enhance its effectiveness.


Muse Suppositories should be stored unopened in their foil pouches to protect the medications from any unwanted exposure. Keep them at room temperature, avoiding extreme heat and moisture to maintain their efficacy. It is also important to store the medication securely in a safe place, out of reach from children.

How Much is Muse 1000mcg?

At BetterYouRX, our primary focus is your health and total wellness. We offer Muse 1000mcg 1 Suppository at an affordable price point of $87.88, maintaining a balance between cost-effectiveness and quality healthcare application. Our tailored medical solutions are designed to meet your individual healthcare needs, ensuring you receive premium healthcare that fits seamlessly within your budget.

What is Muse?

The Muse Suppository is an FDA-approved, prescription medication used to address ED. Known generically as Alprostadil, it is a prostaglandin (PGE1) that helps widen blood vessels to augment blood flow to the penis, aiding the attainment of sufficient erection for intercourse.

How Does Muse Work?

The workings of Muse Suppository revolve around relaxing smooth muscle tissue and dilating arteries in your penis. This potent prostaglandin boosts the blood flow to the area, leading to an erection typically within 10 minutes of application and persisting for around 30-60 minutes. Muse offers a discreet, non-invasive treatment option and is known for its efficacy even in men for whom oral ED medications might not have worked.

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