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Tears Naturale Forte 0.1/0.2/0.3% 15ml

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $26.00.

Tears Naturale Forte is a trusted and effective lubricating eye drop solution designed to provide lasting relief for dry, irritated eyes. Formulated with advanced technology, this product mimics the natural composition of tears, ensuring optimal comfort and moisture for your eyes. Whether you’re experiencing the discomfort of dry eyes due to environmental factors, extended screen time, or underlying medical conditions, Tears Naturale Forte is here to offer soothing and long-lasting relief.



Tears Naturale Forte is a trusted and effective lubricating eye drop solution designed to provide lasting relief for dry, irritated eyes. Formulated with advanced technology, this product mimics the natural composition of tears, ensuring optimal comfort and moisture for your eyes. Whether you’re experiencing the discomfort of dry eyes due to environmental factors, extended screen time, or underlying medical conditions, Tears Naturale Forte is here to offer soothing and long-lasting relief.

Additional information


Tears Naturale Forte is easy to use, and its gentle formula makes it suitable for daily use. Simply follow these steps for proper application:
1. Wash Your Hands: Begin by cleansing your hands meticulously with soap and water. This helps prevent any contamination when handling the eye drops.
2. Shake the Bottle: Give the Tears Naturale Forte bottle a gentle shake before use to ensure proper mixing of the solution.
3. Tilt Your Head Back: To administer the eye drops, tilt your head back slightly while looking up at the ceiling.
4. Pull Down the Lower Eyelid: Use one hand to gently pull down your lower eyelid, creating a small pocket.
5. Instill the Drops: With the other hand, hold the Tears Naturale Forte bottle close to your eye, but do not touch the eye's surface. Squeeze the bottle to release one or two drops into the lower eyelid pocket.
6. Close Your Eye: After applying the drops, close your eye gently and avoid blinking for a few seconds to allow the solution to spread evenly across the eye's surface.
7. Wipe Any Excess: If any excess solution escapes onto your face, simply use a clean tissue to wipe it away.
8. Replace the Cap: Always replace the cap securely on the bottle to prevent contamination.
9. Repeat as Needed: You can use Tears Naturale Forte as often as necessary to relieve dryness and discomfort. However, it is generally recommended to use it 2-3 times daily or as directed by your eye care professional.

Side Effects

Side Effects:
Tears Naturale Forte is well-tolerated by most users and typically does not cause severe side effects. However, like any medication, some individuals may experience mild and temporary discomfort, including:
• Temporary Blurred Vision: Some users may experience blurred vision shortly after applying the eye drops. This effect is usually short-lived and should resolve on its own.
• Stinging or Burning: A mild stinging or burning sensation upon application is possible but generally brief.
• Redness: In rare cases, you may notice temporary redness or irritation of the eyes.
If any of these side effects persist or worsen, contact your eye care professional promptly. Serious allergic reactions to Tears Naturale Forte are rare but require immediate medical attention. Seek medical help if you experience symptoms like rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or difficulty breathing.


To maintain the effectiveness and safety of Tears Naturale Forte, proper storage is essential:
• Store the product at room temperature, ideally between 59-77°F (15-25°C).
• Ensure the bottle is securely sealed when you're not using it.
• Protect the eye drops from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture.
• Keep this product stored in a location inaccessible to both children and pets.
Do not freeze the product, and do not use it if the solution has changed color or become cloudy.


While Tears Naturale Forte is generally safe for most users, certain precautions should be taken into consideration:
• Allergies: If you have known allergies to any of the ingredients in Tears Naturale Forte, discuss alternatives with your healthcare provider.
• Contact Lenses: Remove contact lenses before applying the eye drops and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting them to prevent any potential interaction.
• Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, consult your healthcare provider before using this product.
• Other Medications: Inform your eye care professional of any other eye medications or treatments you are currently using to avoid potential interactions.
• Medical Conditions: If you have specific eye conditions or medical conditions affecting your eyes, discuss the use of Tears Naturale Forte with your healthcare provider.
• Children: Consult a pediatrician before using Tears Naturale Forte on children under the age of 6.


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